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How about changing our health care system? The Republicans want to give you access to healthcare insurance. It has nothing to do with your access to health care. We’re going to give you great access to whichever insurance plan you choose. But I live paycheck to paycheck. But you’ll have great access to insurance. The United States has a for profit healthcare system. While other developed countries employ a variety of systems, the U.S. relies on profit making private insurance companies to pay Americans’ heath care costs. Having a heart attack … $. The Democrats didn’t address this problem either. Sen. Max Baucus, chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, didn’t even allow single-payer advocates to testify during the Obamacare hearings. Single payer. We approach health care for appliances rather than providing basic healthcare, universal healthcare, to every citizen which benefits society as a whole and keeps costs down. Sale! $. Especially emergency room visit$$$$$$$$.