No caption. (Vice President Dick Cheney and President George Bush each hold hand-held drills to their bodies. Cheney drills into his heart and Bush drills into his brain.)
You shouldn’t let him sleep with a bottle. You shouldn’t let him stay up so late. You shouldn’t pick him up every time he cries. Mother-in-law. Aunt. Mother. Family Court.
What men do while waiting to download. Come on come on come on. What women do while waiting to download.
Education bill amendment. On my honor I will do my best to fight these organized lesbians and homosexuality in this country of ours. Sen. Helms earns another homophobic badge.
ID. (President George W. Bush and his daughter stand side-by-side. Bush wears a propeller beanie. Jenna, who holds the ID, wears an upside down martini glass on her head.)
Developers. (Pied Piper developers, shown as a steam roller, lead the way for traffic that rolls over forest.)