No caption. (Former President Bill Clinton and President George W. Bush are counter-weights on a pulley system. Clinton is a devil who is descending in a down elevator. Bush is an angel who is ascending.)
A young woman’s fantasy. Ticket. Excessive speed. Tailgating. Failure to use turn signals. A mature woman’s fantasy.
News. Hillary’s Bad hair Day. Not news. Can you believe this guy is only 60? 2 ton Senator Smith. Senator Lott’s silly hairdo.
No caption. (Former President Bill Clinton and former first lady Hillary Clinton are shown with robbers’ masks on their faces. They are surrounded by various gifts they received during Bill Clinton’s presidency.)
Family Planning reduces abortions. Family Planning reduces abortions. Family Planning reduces abortions. Keep writing, Mr. President.
No caption (Hillary Clinton, dressed as a cowgirl, rides a horse as two Republican elephants look on).
No caption. (On a chess board, “Christian Right” black queen sits next to incoming president George W. Bush. “Separation of Church & State” sits unprotected in center of board.)
No caption. (The old year 2000 looks at the new year 2001. 2001 is bundled and carries a cup of hot coffee as it moves forward.)
Welcome – Please sign the agreement stating the exact date and time of your departure and make yourself at home!
No caption. (Following Bush v. Gore decision, five supreme court judges lift their robes to reveal underwear imprinted with Republican elephants.)
Florida Legislature. Comix. (Republican, with “Florida Legislature” card in pocket, plays cards with Al Gore and democrat. George Bush read “Comix.”)