Frontline: United States of Secrets


If you’re not completely appalled by the actions of the Bush administration (& inaction by Obama) after watching the part 1 of Frontline’s United States of Secrets, you’re comatose.  The hubris of people like former NSA director Michael Hayden and Vice President Cheney’s former legal counsel David Addington is jaw-dropping and the treatment of longtime NSA employees turned whistleblowers absolutely chilling.

Do as I say, not as I do

It never ceases to amaze me when people from the GW Bush administration offer their thoughts about current political events, completely oblivious to the irony of their words today with their role getting us into the Iraq War.  Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and most members of the Cheney Family seem to do this on a regular basis…102406IraqMasqueradeFrom the archives (2006)

Time for an atheist justice on the Supreme Court

JusticeAngelsI’ve mentioned this here before that I’m a firm believer in the Separation of Church and State.  Not because of my religious beliefs or non-beliefs but because I think Separation of Church and State is the best way to ensure that all Americans have the freedom to worship (or not) without intimidation or threats.

I think the Court is missing the point about allowing prayer in government institutions when using the “coercion” argument.  The issue isn’t whether or not the actual prayer praises or denigrates a particular faith- it’s whether there should be any prayers at all before a public town council meeting.  How about a moment of silence?  One could recite the Lord’s Prayer, offer praise to Allah, or just mentally go over your grocery list.  I myself would welcome a moment of silence before having to listen to politicians start blabbering.

World Press Freedom Day 2014

pressToday is World Press Freedom Day.  When I do cartoons about the media I tend to concentrate on the American one and it’s usually to criticize (see previous post).  However, there are many journalists throughout the world who are willing to put their lives in danger on a regular basis because they believe in what they do.  A free press is indispensable for a free society; it must be protected.

LA Clippers owner Donald Sterling

The owner of the LA Clippers is banned for life from the NBA and fined $2.6 million after audiotape of several racist comments he made during a conversation with his girlfriend is released.DonaldSterlingFrom the looks of this guy he must be an exceptional speaker since his First Amendment right of $peech attracts such young and beautiful women.

Can you hear me now?

SCOTUScellphonesSMThe Supreme Court hears 2 arguments today about whether the police can search the cell phones of suspects they arrest before obtaining an search warrant.  Since most people today own smartphones which contain all sorts of private information, what the justices eventually decide will impact us all.  My first question is, how many justices actually use cell phones?

Cardinal Dolan: A “loyal American”

New York’s Archbishop Cardinal Timothy Dolan appeared Easter Sunday on Face the Nation, talking mostly about the positive effect Pope Francis has had on the Church and a bit on the possible candidacy of Jeb Bush in 2016.  He was also questioned about the change in public opinion about gay marriage in the US.  This part of his reply caught my attention:

Do I believe that society could be affected negatively if we tamper with the definition of marriage? Yeah. And that’s just not as a man of faith, that’s just, I’d like to think, as a loyal American — that if we tamper with that essential of human relationships – marriage — we’re sooner or later going to come to regret it.”

“A loyal American”?  So, does that mean that people who support marriage equality are not loyal Americans?  The Washington media in general is taken in by Cardinal Dolan’s  jovial, good guy next door schtick but he’s always come across as a car salesman to me.  I’m a bit surprised no one in the media picked up on his not so subtle suggestion that being against gay marriage somehow makes one a real American.Cardinal Timothy Dolan

click image for animation at the Washington Post

Russian cartoonist Victor Bogorad

While I was at the conference in Caen I met the Russian cartoonist Victor Bogorad. Although I speak no Russian and Victor no English, we did discover that both of us had a limited ability to speak in German so we were able to communicate a little. One of the best things about being among cartoonists though, is that we really don’t need words. Someone will inevitably pick up a pen and start to draw- as Victor did continuously. I was lucky enough to be the recipient of several of Victor’s charming wordless sketches:

Day 3- Memorial de Caen cartoon conference

Panel: “Cartooning in war time”
Cartoonists from Palestine, Iran, Algeria, Morocco, and Russia discuss working in countries under repressive governments and during wartime.

Sabaaneh/ Iran Mohammad Sabaaneh, Palestine
“The most hard thing a cartoonist faces in the Arab world… is the audience”

Alizadah, Iran Javad Alizadeh, Iran
“If I think about danger, I would never draw a cartoon”

Bogorad/ Russia Victor Bogorad, Russia
“Most magazines and newspapers prefer not to deal with the subject” (Putin and Ukraine)

Gueddar/ Morocco Khalid Gueddar, Morocco
“Sex, Religion, Royal family” (taboos in Morocco)

Lounis/ Algeria Djamel Lounis, Algeria
“No satirical reviews in Algeria anymore (due to) repressive laws concerning journalists”