Surveillance and your privacy

He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither.

I didn’t know this but the actual Benjamin Franklin quote is “Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety” or; “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety”.

Anyway, the Petreaus still-evolving mess has brought up the issue of surveillance and how far it reaches into our private lives.  Glenn Greenwald over at The Guardian has great column about it.

Big Brother is watching

Comics Sketchbooks by Steven Heller

Wow- to be included with the likes of Steve Brodner, Arnold Roth, and Bill Plympton, to name a very few!  I recently received my copy of Comics Sketchbooks and last night finally had a chance to really look through it.  A wonderful collection of sketches in a wide variety of styles and techniques; I’m glad I wasn’t aware of the incredible talent represented here when I agreed to send Steven Heller some pages from my sketchbooks.

Comics Sketchbooks

Steven Heller, former art director of the New York Times,  is the co-chair of the MFA Designer as Author program at the School of Visual Arts, New York. He is the author of several books on graphic design, including Graphic: Inside the Sketchbooks of the World’s Great Graphic Designers.